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If you are not a fit for this role, we will keep your resume on file, in case a better-suited position opens.", "custom_style": {"css": "#EFSmartApplyContainer { --button-secondary-text-color: #d9272d; --button-secondary-border-color: #d9272d; --button-primary-background-color :#d9272d; --button-primary-border-color:#d9272d; --blue-color-60: #d9272d; } li.nav-item.current.aos-init.aos-animate.test2 {\n padding-right: 0.8em;\n}\n\n\n@font-face {\n font-family: 'frontier-font';\n src: url('https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ftr/1650888869::ObjectSansNew') format('woff');\n font-weight: normal;\n font-style: normal;\n}\n\nnheader .header .brand a .logo{\n max-height: 85px !important;\n}\n\nheader .header .site-nav ul {\n justify-content: flex-start !important;\n}\n\n\n@font-face {\n font-family: 'frontier-font-title';\n src: url('https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ftr/1650886785::ObjectSans') format('woff');\n font-weight: normal;\n font-style: normal;\n}\n\nhtml body *:not(.fa):not(.far):not(.fas):not(.fal):not(.fab):not(.footable):not(.fooicon):not(.footable-sort-indicator) {\n font-family: 'frontier-font' !important;\n}\n\n\n/* Search bar */\n\n.personalization-bar {\n background-color: #141928 !important;\n color: #FFFFFF;\n}\n\n.card-selected {\n border-left: 8px solid #d9272d !important;\n}\n\n.dropdown-title {\n color: white !important;\n}\n \n header .header .site-nav ul li a {\n white-space: nowrap; 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It is building critical digital infrastructure across the country with its fiber-optic network and cloud-based solutions, enabling connections today and future proofing for tomorrow. Rallied around its purpose of Building Gigabit AmericaTM, the company is focused on supporting a digital society, closing the digital divide, and working toward a more sustainable environment. Frontier is preparing today for a better tomorrow. Visit <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.frontier.com\" rel=\"noopener\">www.frontier.com</a></p></div>", "title": "Perks and Benefits"}, {"body": "Frontier Communications is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or protected veteran status and will not be discriminated against on the basis of disability.\n \nAny applicant who is unable to use our electronic system to express an interest in employment because of a disability or the use of incompatible assistive technologies may fax their resume and cover letter to 585.262.9775. Please indicate the requisition number of the position you are interested in being considered for in your cover letter. If you are vision-impaired or have any other disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act or a similar law, and you wish to discuss potential accommodations related to applying for employment at Frontier, please contact the recruiting department at 844.806.0077.", "title": "Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer"}]}, "showCompanyOverviewModal": true, "showUploadResumeModal": 0, "max_applications_apply": 5, "uploadResumeModal": {"title": "Welcome to Frontier's Career Center", "subtitle": "Let us help you streamline your search. Upload your resume and we\u2019ll find the positions that best suit your qualifications. Note: Uploading your resume is not an application for employment.", "disclaimer": "**Uploading a resume is not a formal application for employment**"}, "recaptcha_enabled": 0, "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": true, "hideEightfoldBranding": false}, "positions": [{"id": 24904826, "name": "Local Manager", "location": "ONTARIO,CA,United States", "locations": ["ONTARIO,CA,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Field Operations", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1725653116, "t_create": 1725551432, "ats_job_id": "oMlsufwN", "display_job_id": "11537", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "11537-en", "job_description": "This position will provide leadership and supervision to staff and a workforce of field technicians that safely install and maintain both residential and business lines, OSP cable facilities, multi-line CPE equipment, hi-cap access services, broadband services, central office/transmission equipment and digital loop carrier equipment, installation and construction of central office transmission equipment and outside plant line and cable facilities. Position duties include meeting service activation and repair commitment dates, maintaining revenue and expense budget objectives and promotion of new and existing company products as well as supervision of company and contract resources to ensure that construction projects are completed in a timely manner and are in compliance with Frontier's construction, service, quality and safety standards. Ensures that maintenance of equipment and DEG components is completed throughout the year according to a set schedule to avoid service interruption to customers. Accountable for daily coordination with the Operations Center and Network Engineers, material disbursements, time sheet approval for contractors and company resources and other duties as assigned by the Director of Operations. Two to four years of prior supervisory experience Must be able to interact with internal/external customers and various community leaders to establish relationships and to assist with problem resolution Must possess strong leadership and interpersonal skills along with a strong work ethic, and the ability to work well under pressure and/or with deadlines Basic knowledge of engineering, plant service center and outside plant functions. Must possess basic PC skills: Excel, Word, Power Point and Outlook. Must demonstrate good oral and written communication skills Must take pride and ownership in work, and exhibit a willingness to learn. 2-3 years HSI/ DSL installation and repair experience. Advance knowledge of plant service center, central office and outside plant functions Basic knowledge of FTTH and data networking Must possess basic understanding of electronics, electrical circuitry, network installation, maintenance and testing of central offices Must be able to perform complex hardware/software research and provide first level technical support Five years minimum experience in OSP and central office engineering and construction. Experience and knowledge of capital project management preferred. Knowledge of the practical experience with Outside Plant Engineering and Outside Plant Construction to include cable placement, line work and splicing. Knowledge of and practical experience with various CO switching equipment, optical transport equipment, DSLAM hardware, ATM, TDM, DAC's and various special service hardware. Must possess a valid state driver's license Must have high school diploma or equivalent. College degree in business/management/telecommunications preferred. Successful completion/certification in related technical fields or vendor equipment desired BA/BS in Telecommunications, Operations Management or Business Administration preferred CCNA, PMP or CWNP a plus Must be available 24/7 to support off-shift technicians and emergency situations as needed. Must be able to work in inclement weather, extended driving and lifting and carrying of moderately heavy objects. Must be willing to work overtime, be on call periodically for nights and weekends and work as required to accomplish NPEC goals and objectives. Overnight travel will occasionally be required Operations Proficiency: Has solid understanding of the business/department and is able to pull P&L/budget levers to ensure revenue goals and expense targets are met (i.e., able to manage departmental budget) Able to articulate business/departmental KPI's to work groups (i.e., can clearly set goals/objectives to positively impact the P&L/budget). Holds team accountable to clearly achieving results through coaching and performance management. Promotes new/existing products as required. Ensures all customers' requirements and needs are met. Collaborate with Regional staff and provide feedback to improve on processes to be more responsive to customers Working with dispatch, monitor workload and schedule manpower and resources needed to meet workload demands, customer needs and company objectives. Responsible for determining and fulfilling the needs of the team for employee development and training. Communicate with other departments, i.e. assignment, engineering and dispatch, in an effort to improve the coordination between these departments as well as the overall quality of service experience for our customers. Quality Control, i.e. tool inspections, building and vehicle inspections, Quality assurance inspections etc. Be cognizant of and support revenue budget. Provide Capital Budget input as required. Analyze operational reporting and utilize statistical process control tools to identify performance opportunities and provide corrective action plans as required. Business related functions: Employee time sheet approval, email administration, Internal/external communications, procurement management, Viryanet Administration and Overtime Equalization Ensures employee advocacy and a positive work environment by listening and responding to employee feedback, issues, questions and concerns in a timely manner. Supports employees that directly interface with the customers by removing barriers, soliciting process improvement suggestions and streamlining the work.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.frontier.com/careers/job/24904826", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 23843473, "name": "Sales & Service Technician II (Central Office)", "location": "NEW HOLLAND,PA,United States", "locations": ["NEW HOLLAND,PA,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Field Operations", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1724705901, "t_create": 1720546908, "ats_job_id": "otE6tfwq", "display_job_id": "11149", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "11149-en", "job_description": "Performs Central Office / Field Equipment work and work on, or involving, any associated electronic equipment or facilities (e.g., remote terminals, repeaters, doublers, DSLAM, Ethernet and span terminal shelves) between the Central Office and the Network Interface Device, as well as work on, or involving, any associated customer-owned or provided electronic equipment or facilities. Review and execute Service Orders (SO) and Projects posted in M6 and MTP Use electronic test equipment during any/all types of installation and maintenance as warranted by the work being performed. Work with CO, NOC, NAT, LAC, Assignment, Engineering teams on testing and turn ups. Install and maintain voice/data services for customers inside and outside the operating territory, to meet customer and PUC standards. Perform Periodic Maintenance Program (PMP) on DSLAM Equipment/Cabinets. Perform research trouble tickets, perform maintenance repair and preventative maintenance on copper and fiber cable in conjunction with Sales & Service cable technicians in both aerial, underground, manholes and at customer premises using various plant elements, work with all cable or fiber facilities, aerial or buried, regardless of size. Performs work and uses hand tools at ground level and aloft on ladders. Read and interpret service orders, trouble tickets, circuit diagrams and schematics. Learn the installation/operation of new and existing equipment. Provide necessary information to complete jobs, trouble tickets and service orders (i.e. dispositions, coding, notes). Coordinate with Assignments department as needed. Knowledge of Company's products and services with the ability to effectively communicate benefits to customers. Support and actively participate in promotion of Company products and services. Aid and assist other department and contractors as needed. Comply with Company vehicle usage and fleet policies. Clean, maintain and stock vehicle and equipment in order to be prepared to perform required duties. Report need for vehicle repair or service and schedule when required and/or prescribed. Review all requested services with customer in order to ensure understanding and agreement. Identify opportunities and present product/service options to customers. Safety - Report any incidents, losses, injuries or property damage to the manager/supervisor and customer when appropriate. Safety - Follow established safety and security practices/procedures. Perform safety and security inspections as required for the purpose of safeguarding employees and company assets. Proactively inform your manager/supervisor of competitive and economic activities in your local market area Perform other duties as requested by supervisor in order to achieve departmental goals and objectives. Employee demonstrates Good Time Management in order to complete their jobs assigned efficiently Minimum 3 years inside central office plant experience including CO Transport Equipment, DSLAM, HDSL, Nortel DMS or GTD5 switch experience, IXC/customer coordination/interaction for Hot Cuts/SOs/Trouble Tickets. High School diploma or equivalent required Experience in the installation, maintenance repair and use of various types of communications systems for example dial tone, modems etc. Familiarity with Internet browsers including but not limited to MS Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Mozilla etc. Experience using personal computers, installing software programs, and troubleshooting operating systems, software and hardware and installing peripheral devices such as printers, modems etc. Basic PC configurations skills (setting IP addresses, pinging equipment, and circuit testing etc.). Must possess basic PC skills (MS Office suite, email, remote network access keyboarding, ability to retrieve data etc.) ability to learn any/all relevant Company systems requiring PC use and as related to the installation/repair of products requiring PC use including but not limited to HSI. HSI or broadband connectivity Networking DNS E-mail delivery IP networking PC Hardware Ability to work independently and in a team environment. Ability to prioritize and manage time effectively to meet customer expectations. Must be able to work aloft on ladders, in buckets, and on poles with the use of climbing hooks. Must be able to work in confined spaces as well as isolated areas. Must be able to work outside in extreme conditions including inclement weather. Ability to differentiate colors and alarm lights of various magnitudes. Must be able to sit, stand, climb, walk (on uneven terrain) bend and stoop for extended periods on a regular basis. Ability to lift, unload from vehicle and carry ladders weighing approximately 70 lbs. Ability to exert up to 70 pounds of force occasionally to position equipment or test gear, to move 20 pounds regularly and to exert up to 10 pounds of force routinely to move materials, equipment, and test sets. Ability to work assigned hours on a regular scheduled tour. Must be willing to work overtime (voluntary or assigned) and to be available for call-outs, including nights, weekends, and holidays. Per our Company policy, and consistent with the weight specifications of equipment used to work aloft, candidates cannot exceed 275 pounds, this is inclusive of clothing and with proper footwear. Strong preference to reside within 35 miles of the reporting location for which the employee is assigned Successful completion of at least 2 years post high school training in a related field i.e. electronics, data, or telecommunications is desired.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.frontier.com/careers/job/23843473", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 23843579, "name": "Sales & Service Technician II (Central Office)", "location": "QUARRYVILLE,PA,United States", "locations": ["QUARRYVILLE,PA,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Field Operations", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1724705760, "t_create": 1720548498, "ats_job_id": "okE6tfwh", "display_job_id": "11151", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "11151-en", "job_description": "Performs Central Office / Field Equipment work and work on, or involving, any associated electronic equipment or facilities (e.g., remote terminals, repeaters, doublers, DSLAM, Ethernet and span terminal shelves) between the Central Office and the Network Interface Device, as well as work on, or involving, any associated customer-owned or provided electronic equipment or facilities. Review and execute Service Orders (SO) and Projects posted in M6 and MTP Use electronic test equipment during any/all types of installation and maintenance as warranted by the work being performed. Work with CO, NOC, NAT, LAC, Assignment, Engineering teams on testing and turn ups. Install and maintain voice/data services for customers inside and outside the operating territory, to meet customer and PUC standards. Perform Periodic Maintenance Program (PMP) on DSLAM Equipment/Cabinets. Perform research trouble tickets, perform maintenance repair and preventative maintenance on copper and fiber cable in conjunction with Sales & Service cable technicians in both aerial, underground, manholes and at customer premises using various plant elements, work with all cable or fiber facilities, aerial or buried, regardless of size. Performs work and uses hand tools at ground level and aloft on ladders. Read and interpret service orders, trouble tickets, circuit diagrams and schematics. Learn the installation/operation of new and existing equipment. Provide necessary information to complete jobs, trouble tickets and service orders (i.e. dispositions, coding, notes). Coordinate with Assignments department as needed. Knowledge of Company's products and services with the ability to effectively communicate benefits to customers. Support and actively participate in promotion of Company products and services. Aid and assist other department and contractors as needed. Comply with Company vehicle usage and fleet policies. Clean, maintain and stock vehicle and equipment in order to be prepared to perform required duties. Report need for vehicle repair or service and schedule when required and/or prescribed. Review all requested services with customer in order to ensure understanding and agreement. Identify opportunities and present product/service options to customers. Safety - Report any incidents, losses, injuries or property damage to the manager/supervisor and customer when appropriate. Safety - Follow established safety and security practices/procedures. Perform safety and security inspections as required for the purpose of safeguarding employees and company assets. Proactively inform your manager/supervisor of competitive and economic activities in your local market area Perform other duties as requested by supervisor in order to achieve departmental goals and objectives. Employee demonstrates Good Time Management in order to complete their jobs assigned efficiently Minimum 3 years inside central office plant experience including CO Transport Equipment, DSLAM, HDSL, Nortel DMS or GTD5 switch experience, IXC/customer coordination/interaction for Hot Cuts/SOs/Trouble Tickets. High School diploma or equivalent required Experience in the installation, maintenance repair and use of various types of communications systems for example dial tone, modems etc. Familiarity with Internet browsers including but not limited to MS Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Mozilla etc. Experience using personal computers, installing software programs, and troubleshooting operating systems, software and hardware and installing peripheral devices such as printers, modems etc. Basic PC configurations skills (setting IP addresses, pinging equipment, and circuit testing etc.). Must possess basic PC skills (MS Office suite, email, remote network access keyboarding, ability to retrieve data etc.) ability to learn any/all relevant Company systems requiring PC use and as related to the installation/repair of products requiring PC use including but not limited to HSI. HSI or broadband connectivity Networking DNS E-mail delivery IP networking PC Hardware Ability to work independently and in a team environment. Ability to prioritize and manage time effectively to meet customer expectations. Must be able to work aloft on ladders, in buckets, and on poles with the use of climbing hooks. Must be able to work in confined spaces as well as isolated areas. Must be able to work outside in extreme conditions including inclement weather. Ability to differentiate colors and alarm lights of various magnitudes. Must be able to sit, stand, climb, walk (on uneven terrain) bend and stoop for extended periods on a regular basis. Ability to lift, unload from vehicle and carry ladders weighing approximately 70 lbs. Ability to exert up to 70 pounds of force occasionally to position equipment or test gear, to move 20 pounds regularly and to exert up to 10 pounds of force routinely to move materials, equipment, and test sets. Ability to work assigned hours on a regular scheduled tour. Must be willing to work overtime (voluntary or assigned) and to be available for call-outs, including nights, weekends, and holidays. Per our Company policy, and consistent with the weight specifications of equipment used to work aloft, candidates cannot exceed 275 pounds, this is inclusive of clothing and with proper footwear. Strong preference to reside within 35 miles of the reporting location for which the employee is assigned Successful completion of at least 2 years post high school training in a related field i.e. electronics, data, or telecommunications is desired.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.frontier.com/careers/job/23843579", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 23648665, "name": "Fiber Network Field Technician", "location": "GOLETA,CA,United States", "locations": ["GOLETA,CA,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Field Operations", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1728073216, "t_create": 1719525216, "ats_job_id": "oC53tfwX", "display_job_id": "11103", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "11103-en", "job_description": "Responsible for tasks assigned by the Company in connection with service order and repair activity on fiber network facilities between and including the customer-serving terminal and into the customer's premise, as well as installation activity at the fiber hub. Installs, removes, rearranges, programs, tests, troubleshoots and maintains fiber network services. Installs and configures routers, set top boxes. May assist with installation of PC software as needed and ensure proper configuration of the customer's PC. Interacts with the Fiber Solution Center as needed. May install appropriate inside wire/cable (such as Cat 5E, Coaxial cable). Installs, maintains and repairs outside and inside fiber equipment/facilities including inside wiring and fiber jumpers at the distribution hub. Activates the ONT. Interfaces with customer to negotiate the placement of equipment, may assist with account registration, e-mail, and web access, and training the customer on how to use the new equipment. Ensures the customer is satisfied with the work that has been done. Responds to inquiries and provides follow-up. Interprets schematic work order drawings to determine job specifications and installation needs. Orders and/or obtains required equipment. Effects problem solving where appropriate. Utilizes various test equipment to analyze equipment trouble and takes appropriate maintenance action. May be required to perform other duties of the Customer Service Technician II classification. May be required to perform additional duties and tasks as required by the Company. Tests - Results obtained in standard tests for this position must meet minimum requirements established by the Company, in accordance with Company policy. Experience - Management will designate the experience level for each vacancy. Medical - No medical limitations which prohibit the individual from performing the essential functions of the job. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate disabled individuals. Must possess, at time of appointment, a valid California class \u201cC\u201d driver's license and, if required at the assigned job site, must demonstrate proficiency in the operation of a vehicle equipped with standard (manual shift) transmission. Legally required Criminal Records Check - Employee will be required to be fingerprinted and pass the Department of Justice criminal records screening process in order to ensure that the employee has never been convicted of a felony, and is not the defendant in a pending criminal proceeding with respect to an arrest for any \u201cserious\u201d or \u201cviolent\u201d felony (as defined in the California Education and Penal Codes). The Department of Justice will continuously monitor the employee's criminal record while the employee is employed in this position, and the employee shall be required to pass such continuous screening in order to retain this position. Must possess the ability to perceive difference in colors. Must possess the ability to distinguish audible tones/levels. High School diploma or equivalent. State approved driver license for required vehicle(s).", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.frontier.com/careers/job/23648665", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25260243, "name": "Fiber Network Field Technician", "location": "KELLER,TX,United States", "locations": ["KELLER,TX,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Field Operations", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1727797354, "t_create": 1726865149, "ats_job_id": "oQOxufwp", "display_job_id": "11602", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "11602-en", "job_description": "Responsible for tasks assigned by the Company in connection with service order and repair activity on fiber network facilities between and including the customer-serving terminal and into the customer's premise, as well as installation activity at the fiber hub. Installs, removes, rearranges, programs, tests, troubleshoots and maintains fiber network services. Installs and configures routers, set top boxes. Interacts with Advanced Technical Services as needed. May install appropriate inside wire/cable (such as Cat 5E, Coaxial cable). Installs, maintains and repairs outside and inside fiber equipment/facilities including inside wiring and fiber jumpers at the distribution hub. Activates the ONT, STB and router at customer premise. Interfaces with customer to negotiate the placement of equipment. Trains the customer on how to use the new equipment. Ensures the customer is satisfied with the work that has been done. Responds to inquires and provides follow-up. Interprets schematic work order drawings to determine job specifications and installation needs. Orders and/or obtains required equipment. Effects problem solving where appropriate. Utilizes various test equipment to analyze equipment trouble and takes appropriate maintenance action. May be required to perform other duties of the Customer Zone Technician II classification. May be required to perform additional duties and tasks as required by the Company. Tests - Results obtained in standard tests for this position must meet minimum requirements established by the Company, in accordance with Company policy. Must meet Frontier's standards of professionalism in communications and appearance. Must wear Frontier branded attire. Wears appropriate safety apparel and is aware of and follows all established safety practices and procedures. Ability to sell voice, data and video products/services. Ability to identify and distinguish audible tones/levels and colors. Ability to work in confined areas. Ability to lift and carry tool boxes, drop wire, parts containers and installation loads, test equipment, etc. Ability to work aloft. In some areas, pole climbing may not be a requirement; for locations where pole climbing is required, a candidate must meet the course qualification standard. Ability to lift, carry, set-up, climb and take down ladders. Ability to communicate naturally and pleasantly over the telephone. Ability to professionally communicate extensively in person during in-home installation. Requires alertness and attention to detail. Ability to work under stress. A valid driver's license. Able to meet medical and driver certification requirements as established by the DOT Federal Highway Safety Act. Not restricted to daylight hours. May require more specialized drivers' license based on State Laws and Regulations. Able to read and interpret architectural, electrical wiring diagrams. Able to operate applicable test equipment. Must be available to work tours as scheduled including nights, weekends, and holidays and for callouts and/or overtime as required. One year of experience in one or a combination of: Cable Splicer, Customer Engineer-Data Application, Customer Equipment Technician, Customer Zone Technician II, Customer Zone Technician I, Equipment Installer, Fiber Customer Support Analyst, Fiber Network Technician. Degree in electronics technology from an accredited or recognized educational institution or equivalent experience.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.frontier.com/careers/job/25260243", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25260242, "name": "Fiber Network Field Technician", "location": "IRVING,Texas,United States", "locations": ["IRVING,Texas,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Field Operations", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1727797244, "t_create": 1726864687, "ats_job_id": "oDOxufwc", "display_job_id": "11601", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "11601-en", "job_description": "Responsible for tasks assigned by the Company in connection with service order and repair activity on fiber network facilities between and including the customer-serving terminal and into the customer's premise, as well as installation activity at the fiber hub. Installs, removes, rearranges, programs, tests, troubleshoots and maintains fiber network services. Installs and configures routers, set top boxes. Interacts with Advanced Technical Services as needed. May install appropriate inside wire/cable (such as Cat 5E, Coaxial cable). Installs, maintains and repairs outside and inside fiber equipment/facilities including inside wiring and fiber jumpers at the distribution hub. Activates the ONT, STB and router at customer premise. Interfaces with customer to negotiate the placement of equipment. Trains the customer on how to use the new equipment. Ensures the customer is satisfied with the work that has been done. Responds to inquires and provides follow-up. Interprets schematic work order drawings to determine job specifications and installation needs. Orders and/or obtains required equipment. Effects problem solving where appropriate. Utilizes various test equipment to analyze equipment trouble and takes appropriate maintenance action. May be required to perform other duties of the Customer Zone Technician II classification. May be required to perform additional duties and tasks as required by the Company. Tests - Results obtained in standard tests for this position must meet minimum requirements established by the Company, in accordance with Company policy. Must meet Frontier's standards of professionalism in communications and appearance. Must wear Frontier branded attire. Wears appropriate safety apparel and is aware of and follows all established safety practices and procedures. Ability to sell voice, data and video products/services. Ability to identify and distinguish audible tones/levels and colors. Ability to work in confined areas. Ability to lift and carry tool boxes, drop wire, parts containers and installation loads, test equipment, etc. Ability to work aloft. In some areas, pole climbing may not be a requirement; for locations where pole climbing is required, a candidate must meet the course qualification standard. Ability to lift, carry, set-up, climb and take down ladders. Ability to communicate naturally and pleasantly over the telephone. Ability to professionally communicate extensively in person during in-home installation. Requires alertness and attention to detail. Ability to work under stress. A valid driver's license. Able to meet medical and driver certification requirements as established by the DOT Federal Highway Safety Act. Not restricted to daylight hours. May require more specialized drivers' license based on State Laws and Regulations. Able to read and interpret architectural, electrical wiring diagrams. Able to operate applicable test equipment. Must be available to work tours as scheduled including nights, weekends, and holidays and for callouts and/or overtime as required. One year of experience in one or a combination of: Cable Splicer, Customer Engineer-Data Application, Customer Equipment Technician, Customer Zone Technician II, Customer Zone Technician I, Equipment Installer, Fiber Customer Support Analyst, Fiber Network Technician. Degree in electronics technology from an accredited or recognized educational institution or equivalent experience.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.frontier.com/careers/job/25260242", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 24772602, "name": "Local Manager", "location": "SARASOTA,FL,United States", "locations": ["SARASOTA,FL,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Field Operations", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1725050439, "t_create": 1724855944, "ats_job_id": "osvpufwA", "display_job_id": "11470", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "11470-en", "job_description": "Position duties include meeting service activation and repair commitment dates, maintaining revenue and expense budget objectives and promotion of new and existing company products as well as supervision of company and contract resources to ensure that construction projects are completed in a timely manner and are in compliance with Frontier's construction, service, quality and safety standards. Ensures that maintenance of equipment and DEG components is completed throughout the year according to a set schedule to avoid service interruption to customers. Accountable for daily coordination with the Operations Center and Network Engineers, material disbursements, time sheet approval for contractors and company resources and other duties as assigned by the Director of Operations. This position will require reporting on-site in Sarasota, FL. Evaluating Air dryer needs and installing telecommunications systems that best meet those needs Running routine tests on telecommunications systems to ensure that all components are functioning as intended Performing diagnostic testing on problematic telecommunications systems to identify and resolve various technical faults Performing temporary fixes until extensive repair work can be done later Must have a valid Driver's License Must be available 24/7 to support off-shift technicians and emergency situations as needed. Must be able to work in inclement weather, extended driving and lifting and carrying of moderately heavy objects. Must be willing to work overtime, be on call periodically for nights and weekends and work as required to accomplish NPEC goals and objectives. Overnight travel will occasionally be required. Meets service activation and repair commitment dates, maintains revenue and expense budget objectives, and promotes new and existing company products Manages a P&L; budget to ensure revenue goals and expense targets are met Provides feedback, and ongoing training, and motivates their team to exceed department goals 24-Hour 7-Days a week On-Site Emergency Air Dryer Repair Custom Scheduled Maintenance Program designed around the specific makes and model Air Dryers you the customer have in service Scheduled Maintenance Intervals to be scheduled, Quarterly, Semi- Annually or Annually based on the level of service needed All specific Air Dryer Manufacture recommended maintenance procedures are followed to maintain any warranties that are still in effect as well as using \"OEM\" original parts All \"Non-Maintenance\" components are inspected and test operated to verify proper operation and replaced as necessary to guard against failures in between Maintenance Schedules All air tubing, electrical wiring is inspected and tightened and or replaced as necessary All alarms are test operated to verify proper operation in the event of a failure Back-up Systems and Dryer Cycle Kits are test operated for proper operation All external Dryer Piping and Supply Lines are visually inspected to ensure no leaks or potential failures", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.frontier.com/careers/job/24772602", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 24904809, "name": "Local Manager - Construction", "location": "MERIDEN,Connecticut,United States", "locations": ["MERIDEN,Connecticut,United States", "Anywhere,Connecticut,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Field Operations", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1725988634, "t_create": 1725545941, "ats_job_id": "oIgsufwE", "display_job_id": "11535", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "11535-en", "job_description": "Successful candidates will come into this position with a passion for technology and team leadership. Leaders who approach their teams as partners while holding themselves and their team to high standards will fit in well with the team and organization. A technical background and industry experience will also serve you well. 3+ years of prior supervisory experience Must be able to interact with internal/external customers and various community leaders to establish relationships and to assist with problem resolution Must possess strong leadership and interpersonal skills along with a strong work ethic, and the ability to work well under pressure and/or with deadlines Extensive knowledge of engineering, plant service center and outside plant functions. Must possess basic PC skills: Excel, Word, Power Point and Outlook. Advanced knowledge of outside plant construction functions (Line & Splice) for both copper and fiber and in all placement scenarios (Aerial, buried, underground). Must possess basic understanding of electronics, electrical circuitry, network installation, maintenance and testing of central offices as well as FTTH and data networking Must be available 24/7 to support off-shift technicians and emergency situations as needed. Must be able to work in inclement weather. BA/BS in Telecommunications, Operations Management or Business Administration preferred or applicable OSP Construction work experience Must possess a valid state driver's license Meet project in-service dates while ensuring through appropriate inspection that projects are constructed as designed or as modified if field conditions necessitate after consultation with engineering. Any field changes MUST be captured by the JIM process to secure necessary approvals. Manage work and workforce under established capital and expense budget objectives. This includes an accurate review and approval of contractor invoices, timesheet review with appropriate oversight of overtime authorization and ensuring proper material use aligned with projects. Work closely with vendor partners to ensure that they manage their work and perform as outlined in their agreements and resolve any conflicts that may arise. Help remove roadblocks associated with permit requirements by communicating with permitting agencies and resolving any concerns proactively or addressing grievances for complaints that may arise. Responsible for setting team goals in alignment with department goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to ensure priority focus and a pursuit of consistent improvement and simplification. Consistently provides feedback and direction to staff to ensure employee development, engagement and business knowledge; complete employee performance appraisals/reviews at intervals specified by the business but informally frequently enough to ensure consistent performance feedback. Partners with Human Resources to ensure firm, fair and consistent application of HR practices/policies and labor agreements. Ensures employee advocacy and a positive work environment by listening and responding to employee feedback, issues, questions and concerns in a timely manner. (When possible, 24-hour response time to all employee relations issues). Maintain a safe work environment by conducting regularly scheduled safety meetings, applicable safety training and reinforcing state/federal safety requirements within the work place.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.frontier.com/careers/job/24904809", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 23843366, "name": "Sales & Service Technician (Install & Repair) Temporary", "location": "CLARKS SUMMIT,PA,United States", "locations": ["CLARKS SUMMIT,PA,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Field Operations", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1728530337, "t_create": 1720545812, "ats_job_id": "ovD6tfwr", "display_job_id": "11145", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "11145-en", "job_description": "Place poles, cable, buried plant (cable, fiber, pedestals, ground rods, etc.) all associated equipment and service drops (aerial/buried). Use electronic test equipment during any/all types of installation and maintenance as warranted by the work being performed. Work on Centrex and small business systems (leased and customer owned), circuits, complex wiring and software. Install and maintain voice/data services for customers inside and outside the operating territory, to meet customer and PUC standards. Perform splicing, research trouble tickets, perform maintenance repair and preventative maintenance on copper and fiber cable in aerial, underground, manholes and customer premises using various plant elements, work with all cable or fiber facilities, aerial or buried, regardless of size. Performs work and uses hand tools at ground level and aloft on ladders, poles and buckets. Read and interpret service orders, trouble tickets, circuit diagrams and schematics. Learn the installation/operation of new and existing equipment. Provide necessary information to complete jobs, trouble tickets and service orders (i.e. dispositions, coding, notes). Coordinate with Assignments department as needed. Knowledge of Company's products and services with the ability to effectively communicate benefits to customers. Support and actively participate in promotion of Company products and services. Aid and assist other department and contractors as needed. Comply with Company vehicle usage and fleet policies. Clean, maintain and stock vehicle and equipment in order to be prepared to perform required duties. Report need for vehicle repair or service and schedule when required and/or prescribed. Review all requested services with customer in order to ensure understanding and agreement. Identify opportunities and present product/service options to customers. Report any incidents, losses, injuries or property damage to the manager/supervisor and customer when appropriate. Follow established safety and security practices/procedures. Perform safety and security inspections as required to safeguard employees and company assets. Proactively inform your manager/supervisor of competitive and economic activities in your local market area Perform other duties as requested by supervisor in order to achieve departmental goals and objectives. High School diploma or equivalent required Experience in the installation, maintenance repair and use of various types of communications systems for example dial tone, modems etc. Familiarity with Internet browsers including but not limited to MS Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Mozilla etc. Experience using personal computers, installing software programs and troubleshooting operating systems, software and hardware and installing peripheral devices such as printers, modems etc. Basic PC configurations skills (setting IP addresses, pinging equipment, and circuit testing etc). Must possess basic PC skills (MS Office suite, email, remote network access keyboarding, ability to retrieve data etc) ability to learn any/all relevant Company systems requiring PC use and as related to the installation/repair of products requiring PC use including but not limited to HSI. HSI or broadband connectivity Networking DNS E-mail delivery IP networking PC Hardware Ability to work independently and in a team environment. Ability to prioritize and manage time effectively to meet customer expectations. Must be able to work aloft on ladders, in buckets, and on poles with the use of climbing hooks. Must be able to work in confined spaces as well as isolated areas. Must be able to work outside in extreme conditions including inclement weather. Ability to differentiate colors and alarm lights of various magnitudes. Must be able to sit, stand, climb, walk (on uneven terrain) bend and stoop for extended periods on a regular basis. Ability to lift, unload from vehicle and carry ladders weighing approximately 70 lbs. Ability to exert up to 70 pounds of force occasionally to position equipment or test gear, to move 20 pounds regularly and to exert up to 10 pounds of force routinely to move materials, equipment and test sets. Ability to work assigned hours on a regular scheduled tour. Must be willing to work overtime (voluntary or assigned) and to be available for call-outs, including nights, weekends and holidays. Strong preference to reside within 35 miles of the reporting location for which the employee is assigned Successful completion of at least 2 years post high school training in a related field i.e. electronics, data, or telecommunications is desired.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.frontier.com/careers/job/23843366", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 23843255, "name": "Sales & Service Technician (Install & Repair) Temporary", "location": "QUARRYVILLE,PA,United States", "locations": ["QUARRYVILLE,PA,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Field Operations", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1724781006, "t_create": 1720544356, "ats_job_id": "oiB6tfwc", "display_job_id": "11141", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "11141-en", "job_description": "Place poles, cable, buried plant (cable, fiber, pedestals, ground rods, etc.) all associated equipment and service drops (aerial/buried). Use electronic test equipment during any/all types of installation and maintenance as warranted by the work being performed. Work on Centrex and small business systems (leased and customer owned), circuits, complex wiring and software. Install and maintain voice/data services for customers inside and outside the operating territory, to meet customer and PUC standards. Perform splicing, research trouble tickets, perform maintenance repair and preventative maintenance on copper and fiber cable in aerial, underground, manholes and customer premises using various plant elements, work with all cable or fiber facilities, aerial or buried, regardless of size. Performs work and uses hand tools at ground level and aloft on ladders, poles and buckets. Read and interpret service orders, trouble tickets, circuit diagrams and schematics. Learn the installation/operation of new and existing equipment. Provide necessary information to complete jobs, trouble tickets and service orders (i.e. dispositions, coding, notes). Coordinate with Assignments department as needed. Knowledge of Company's products and services with the ability to effectively communicate benefits to customers. Support and actively participate in promotion of Company products and services. Aid and assist other department and contractors as needed. Comply with Company vehicle usage and fleet policies. Clean, maintain and stock vehicle and equipment in order to be prepared to perform required duties. Report need for vehicle repair or service and schedule when required and/or prescribed. Review all requested services with customer in order to ensure understanding and agreement. Identify opportunities and present product/service options to customers. Report any incidents, losses, injuries or property damage to the manager/supervisor and customer when appropriate. Follow established safety and security practices/procedures. Perform safety and security inspections as required to safeguard employees and company assets. Proactively inform your manager/supervisor of competitive and economic activities in your local market area Perform other duties as requested by supervisor in order to achieve departmental goals and objectives. High School diploma or equivalent required Experience in the installation, maintenance repair and use of various types of communications systems for example dial tone, modems etc. Familiarity with Internet browsers including but not limited to MS Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Mozilla etc. Experience using personal computers, installing software programs and troubleshooting operating systems, software and hardware and installing peripheral devices such as printers, modems etc. Basic PC configurations skills (setting IP addresses, pinging equipment, and circuit testing etc). 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Strong preference to reside within 35 miles of the reporting location for which the employee is assigned Successful completion of at least 2 years post high school training in a related field i.e. electronics, data, or telecommunications is desired.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.frontier.com/careers/job/23843255", "isPrivate": false}], "debug": {}, "count": 42, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": "any", "location_used": "", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": 1, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, "recommended_star_threshold": 4, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "", "location": "", "department": ["Field Operations"], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "", "skills": [], "departments": []}, "userTitles": [], "isThinProfile": false, "veteranProgramDetails": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "jobCardConfig": null, "facetDisplaySort": {"skills": "count_desc", "departments": "count_desc", "seniority": "count_desc", "locations": "count_desc"}, "facets": {"skills": {"Maintenance": 55, "Communication": 55, "Repairs": 52, "Customer Service": 52, "Telecommunications": 44, "Installation": 38, "Training": 35, "Reporting": 31, "Operations": 31, "Troubleshooting": 31, "Schematics": 31, "Testing": 30, "Electrical Wiring": 28, "Networking": 23, "Circuits": 20, "Coding": 20, "Routers": 18, "Network Service": 18, "Splicing": 17, "Process Improvement": 17}, "departments": {"Field Operations": 42}, "seniority": {}, "locations": {"Remote": 999999, "Elk Grove, CA, United States": 4, "Colusa, CA, United States": 3, "Goleta, CA, United States": 2, "Quarryville, PA, United States": 2, "Valparaiso, IN, United States": 2, "Wausau, WI, United States": 2, "CT, United States": 1, "Big Bear, CA, United States": 1, "Birnamwood, WI, United States": 1, "Bishop, CA, United States": 1, "Bloomfield, NY, United States": 1, "Bowling Green, OH, United States": 1, "Brady, TX, United States": 1, "Bristol, CT, United States": 1, "Caldwell, OH, United States": 1, "Casey, IL, United States": 1, "Clarks Summit, PA, United States": 1, "Dallas, PA, United States": 1, "Elizabethville, PA, United States": 1, "Hollywood, SC, United States": 1, "Irving, TX, United States": 1, "Jasper, IN, United States": 1, "Keller, TX, United States": 1, "Menifee, CA, United States": 1, "Meriden, CT, United States": 1, "Milford, CT, United States": 1, "Muskegon, MI, United States": 1, "New Holland, PA, United States": 1, "Ontario, CA, United States": 1, "Richmond, IN, United States": 1, "Rushville, NY, United States": 1, "Sarasota, FL, United States": 1, "Terre Haute, IN, United States": 1, "Tunkhannock, PA, United States": 1, "Wallingford, CT, United States": 1}}, "isSubQuery": true, "showBusinessUnitInPositionSidebar": false, "hideDepartment": null, "iframeImplementation": null, "pcsTextConfiguration": {}, "facetNoTitlecase": null, "skipCSSFacetCapitalization": false, "enableMapClustering": false, "readmoreInstructionEnabled": false, "candidateLogin": {"postApplyReviewLink": {"enabled": true, "url": "/api/apply/v2/profile/review/initialize_user?domain=ftr.com", "title": "What's next? 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